Our First Season

Our First Season

As we are in the process of tearing out our flower beds I think it is safe to say that our first season has come to a close.  Jonathan and I would first like to take a moment to pause and thank all of you who have started this journey with us.  Thank you for your support of purchasing flower arrangements, spreading the word, following our social media accounts, and by simply encouraging us as we are diving into this life endeavor called flower farming.

It is also safe to say we learned so much this first season!  We are aware of things that we want to continue next year, things we don’t want to do, and things that we will try!  I have no doubt that every year is going to be a growing and learning curve for us, and we sure are excited to think about that!  We have been busy perusing seed catalogs, mapping out garden space on paper, searching the internet for helpful information, and networking with other flower farmers to see how they do things. 

We already have one wedding booked next September and we are hopeful that as the word gets out we will have more bookings.  We have been tossing around a lot of ideas and possibilities.  At this point we don’t know what exactly our 2020 season will look like, but we are both really excited about it.  We will do our best to keep you updated and informed throughout the winter and spring months as to when you can expect to see our bouquets for sale.  If you are interested in having us make fresh from the farm flower bouquets for a special event in summer/fall of 2020 please don’t hesitate to contact us as we would love to get your special event on our calendar.  If there is a service or product that you wished we offered, please feel free to ask as we are open to suggestions!  We want to assist you in having fresh flowers for whatever occasion arises. 

Lady Bird Johnson once said, “Where flowers bloom so does hope.”  We fully believe that a farm fresh flower bouquet can truly change a person’s day.  We thank you for being a part of this journey with us and we look forward to you walking alongside of us for our 2020 flower season.

With many thanks,

Janna and Jonathan Bastian

Jonathan and Janna Bastian

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